Diesel Service Tech
Diesel Service Technician is a pathway for students in the Transportation career cluster. This pathway is designed for students who wish to diagnose and repair the systems and components related to diesel engines. The pathway emphasizes the techniques and tools used in servicing diesel systems and components. Both theoretical learning and activity-based learning are provided for students who wish to develop and enhance their competencies and skills. The courses focus on the basic areas of diesel engine components, electrical and electronic systems, and hydraulics. Exposure to state-of-the-art equipment is given through expert advice from industry. The comprehensive project component provides practical experience toward developing a portfolio of work. The pathway is aligned with the NATEF 2014 Medium/Heavy Truck program standards, which were retrieved October 15, 2014, from http://www.natef.org.
Student Prerequisites
In order for students to experience success in the program, the following student prerequisites are suggested: C or higher in English (the previous year), C or higher in Math (last course taken or the instructor can specify the math), Instructor Approval and TABE Reading Score (eighth grade or higher)
TABE Reading Score (eighth grade or higher)
Instructor Approval
Instructor Approval