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Law & Public Safety


Law & Public Safety

Year-One- The LPS career pathway focuses on the history of law and legal systems in the United States. It is a two-year high school program designed to include classroom and hands-on experiences to prepare students for employment or continuing education in the law enforcement field. Over the course of study, students will gain knowledge of local, state, and federal law enforcement functions from a historical and organizational point of view. Emphasis is also placed on the U.S. legal system and constitutional and criminal law. Students will also gain an understanding of the ethical and legal responsibilities of law enforcement officers and their roles. Instructional strategies and activities implemented through the course of study align to the BLEOST and the National EMS Educational Standards.

Additionally, students will learn the importance of personal health and safety in the work environments associated with LPS. Students will be introduced to the emergency services found in local communities, learn the specialized areas and topics within LPS, and examine the daily tasks and responsibilities of the professionals in the field. The program will offer students the opportunity to examine all areas of the military and the professions associated with each branch, learn about emergency management and workplace skills, and have meaningful, relevant job-shadowing experiences with professionals.

Year two-  The Law and Public Safety career pathway focuses on the history of law and legal systems in the United States. Students will leave the program with a firm foundation of knowledge in these areas. Additionally, students will learn the importance of personal health and safety in the work environments associated with law and public safety. Students will also be introduced to the emergency services found in local communities. Additionally, students will focus on corrections in the state of Mississippi, studying specifically how jails and prisons function. Students will learn the specialized areas and topics within the law and public safety arena. They will examine the daily tasks and responsibilities of the professionals in the field. The program will offer students the opportunity to examine all areas of the military and the professions associated with each branch. Additionally, students will learn about emergency management and workplace skills and will have meaningful, relevant job-shadowing experiences with professionals.

Student Prerequisites

For students to experience success in the program, the following student prerequisites are suggested:

C or higher in English (the previous year),C or higher in high school-level math (last course taken or the instructor can specify the level of math instruction needed),Instructor approval and TABE reading score (eighth grade or higher)orTABE reading and math score (eighth grade or higher)Instructor approval or Instructor approval.                                  

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