WBL experiences can include, but are not limited to, internships, pre-apprenticeships, entrepreneurial ventures, service-learning, virtual enterprises, and other supervised work experiences. The following key components are required for students to receive credit for their WBL experiences:
Authentic work experience: a structured WBL experience in which students can work a minimum of 70 hours in a work-related environment that fosters in-depth, first-hand engagement with the tasks that support their career goals as outlined in their ISPs. The experience should provide opportunities for students to practice applying classroom instruction and 21st-century skills.
WBL teacher/coordinator: an individual or individuals employed by the local education agency (LEA) with a WBL add-on endorsement
Worksite supervisor: an employer or mentor who provides supervision, guidance, and encouragement to students and is involved in coaching career skills as indicated on student’s WBL Training Agreement
WBL Training Agreement: an agreement or memorandum that defines the career skills, experiences, and personal responsibilities to which the WBL supervisor, the LEA, students, and parents/guardians have committed to fulfill. The WBL Training Agreement should support the career goals identified in students’ ISPs. An example of a WBL Training Agreement and more in-depth instructions for completing the guide can be found in the CTE Work-Based Learning Resource Guide.
Evaluation/portfolio: documentation by the WBL teacher/coordinator, WBL supervisor, and students that exhibits students’ experiences and measures students’ mastery of skills outlined in the WBL Training Agreement
Student Enrollment Eligibility
Students must meet the following requirements to be eligible for enrollment in the CTE Work-Based Learning: Credit-Bearing Course Guidelines:
16 years of age or older
C or higher in English (the previous year)
C or higher in math (last program taken or the teacher can specify the level of math instruction needed)
WBL teacher approval and TABE reading score (eighth grade or higher) or
TABE reading score (eighth grade or higher) or WBL teacher approval
Or At least a Bronze designation on the WorkKeys Assessment or CTE director and/or high school principal approval